
When you graduate they decorate your station to match your personality or something you like. The girls thought it would be funny if they decorated it Chritmas themed, because for some reason whenever I am in a good mood and I feel like singing a song, the first one that ever comes to mind is "We wish you a Merry Christmas." They hate it- cuz I have been singing it since I started school- I know, Christmas Carols all year round!! What can I say, I don't mind it Christmas is my favorite holiday???! But my station was cute, and that was a clever idea!!
I'll give them that much!!

We also had a cotton candy machine for my party!! (pink too!!) Who has that It felt like "My Super Sweet Graduation Party!" And they let me play my Christmas CD's over the loud speaker the whole night!! Thanks Prescott EBS for everything and- especially for my mom, for making it SUPER SPECIAL!! It was so much fun!